Monday, March 1, 2010

Is it time for Lunch yet???

I think you will agree with me when I say that lunch is the hardest meal to keep healthy. There are so many factors that we let prevent us from eating a good, clean lunch. Whether it is that pizza screaming our name from the employee break room or the last minute lunch meeting, we all have a tough time with this mid-day meal. This is when planning ahead is so important. I usually pack my lunch right after I eat dinner the night before. This way, all I have to do is grab my trusty cooler as I zoom out the door for work, meetings or family gatherings. You can even ask my family about my cooler and I! We go everywhere together, and I mean everywhere. In addition to the two snacks I pack in my cooler, lunch makes meal number 3. I try to keep lunch around 300 calories and a balance of lean protein, good carbs, veggies and healthy fats. Pictured here is 4oz of chicken breast, 2TB "Eat Clean" guacamole, 1cup broccoli and 1TB hummus. Some other great options are:
  • 3oz of turkey, 1 slice ezekiel bread, spinach, tomato, onion and mustard with a side of sliced cucumber and 1TB hummus.
  • 3oz tuna salad prepared with fat-free mayo and relish, 5 Ak-Mak crackers, celery sticks and 1Tb Naturally More peanut butter.
  • 4oz chicken, 1TB hummus, spinach, cucumber, tomato all wrapped up in a whole wheat tortilla (4g of fiber or more).
What did you eat for lunch today? What are you challenges with lunch? I want to know!